Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Another school massacre

The availability of 9mm guns and assault type weapons and ammunitions clips is a root cause of the murders in Virginia this week. Our failure to regulate the distribution of firearms is to blame for the deaths of too many innocent people. The availability of guns from unlicensed dealers, and failure to use the technology at hand to share information about the purchase of human assault weapons like 9mm guns and multiple rounds in a timely manner with school and local law enforcement, raises a red flag in my mind. Sharing that information with the broader population via the Internet would really help to quell the violence.

Is anyone looking at gun purchase stats (from legitimate vendors) and helping communities deal with the too oft’ times dire consequences that our present approach to gun regulation creates? I firmly believe everyone has the right to bear arms, but regulating the who, what, when, where and how of arms distribution is important to the health and well being of all citizens. After all, that’s what our state and national elected officials are charged with doing, creating laws that support the health and well being of their constituents.

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