Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Age of Aquarius

When I was in my twenties, thirty years ago, it was my extreme hope that there really would dawn an Age of Aquarius when peace would guide the planet and love would fill the stars, and I hoped that would occur by the turn of the new millennium. I dealt with the cold reality that over the span of our earthly recorded history there have been few years when there were no wars by embracing ideals like peace, hope and charity in my work and activities.

Now, seven years after the turn of the new millennium I realize that the dawning that happened was actually the Age of the Internet. Written, picture and video information sharing has extended our daily experiences to an audience that lives all over the globe. The connections are there for all types of intent, some of which I embrace and some which I abhor. I do not believe in jihad, for example, but I believe people who do should have a voice and an Internet place to vent their ideas, and where they can see opposing views.

What did not end is the warring. Tribal barbarism is still rampant on all continents with murder, rape, and the mutilation of human lives stuck like a bad staph infection in the body of our collective soul. I find it particularly poignant that wars are fought for “religious” reasons when all of the great prophets of God – Allah - Yahweh professed the real breath of the spirit of creation, that of love and a commitment to ideals that are the antithesis of killing and the mutilation of life.

So, what is the root cause? Is it jealousy and infatuation with the self? We need to look at the genetic code of our social fabric to figure out why a small piece of land in the place of our ancestors, Jerusalem, has become the firebrand for wars still raging in the Middle East, and how modern day profiteers are driving ill contents that fester in the wounds of too many wars, too many scars on the face of our mothers and too many daggers in the hearts of our fathers.

I still hold hope for a period of time on Earth when there will be peace and love for all.

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